Academic Meeting
TEC Matamoros
Tecnológico Nacional de México - Matamoros Campus
On October 26th, CLEANMEX S.A. DE C.V. had the honor of participating in the Academic Meeting 2023, as part of the Conferences for Students of the Campus. Luis Guillermo Mercado Andrade, QHSE Manager, presented the talk "Sustainability: Basic Principles".
Javier Castro, Commercial Manager, opened the presentation with a welcome and thanks for the invitation, as well as a historical review of CLEANMEX.
We were accompanied by students from a variety of professional backgrounds, such as Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Business Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
At the end of the presentation, there was an opportunity for the students to interact and ask questions or share comments on the topic and CLEANMEX's services in the field of comprehensive waste management. CLEANMEX en el manejo integral de residuos.
Sustainable Connections
Creating Synergy for a Better Planet
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