United for Global Well-being
Our Vision: A Healthy and Vital Planet
Waste Recovered
Trabajando por un Futuro Sostenible: Nuestro Legado Verde
We have the power to impact our future, and we're taking action!
At Cleanmex, we understand that responsible management of industrial waste is more than a duty; it's an opportunity to join together in the mission of creating a sustainable planet.
That's why, through our Comprehensive Waste Management service, we offer customized solutions that not only comply with regulations but also contribute to creating a better future.
Committed to Excellence and Continuous Improvement
Ensuring Quality, Sustainability, and Safety in Our Work
Cleanmex's processes work in favor of the environment by applying the 5 R's.
This is a recycling process where liquid wastes such as oils, solvents, alcohols, ketones, and other calorific liquid wastes are integrated. They are mixed and homogenized until they achieve the necessary physicochemical characteristics to be used as an alternative fuel.
Through a foundation that includes silicates and pozzolanic processes, the waste is separated into liquids and solids by sedimentation. The liquids are sent to the Neutralization process and the solids are Stabilized to be subsequently sent to a controlled confinement.
Through a foundation that includes silicates and pozzolanic processes, the waste is separated into liquids and solids by sedimentation. The liquids are sent to the Neutralization process and the solids are Stabilized to be subsequently sent to a controlled confinement.
Container Reutilization
Container Reutilization
Following the formulation and treatment processes, container recovery and repair are carried out so they can be reused in containing our clients' waste.​
It involves waste reduction through thermal destruction at temperatures exceeding 900°C, mixed with an appropriate amount of air during a predetermined period called "Cycle". Waste and organic compounds are reduced to their mineral constituents, primarily water vapor, carbon dioxide, and inert solids (ashes).
This process employs alternative fuel and treated water, provided by the formulation and treatment processes, leading to a reduction in the use of fossil fuels and clean water.
It involves waste reduction through thermal destruction at temperatures exceeding 900°C, mixed with an appropriate amount of air during a predetermined period called "Cycle". Waste and organic compounds are reduced to their mineral constituents, primarily water vapor, carbon dioxide, and inert solids (ashes).
This process employs alternative fuel and treated water, provided by the formulation and treatment processes, leading to a reduction in the use of fossil fuels and clean water.
By adding Acidic or Alkaline solutions to the water, the pH is neutralized and with the application of anionic and cationic polymers, the dissolved solids present are separated and agglomerated more quickly, resulting in water suitable for reuse in thermal destruction.
Shared Responsibility
Global Impact
Protecting the environment is not an option, it's an obligation to ensure a sustainable future.
GarantÃa de Confianza
Our Official Authorizations
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